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Complete ADAS test solution for AEB & FCW technology

Test and validate AEB / FCW systems in accordance with NCAP & NHTSA standards

  • Euro NCAP Car-to-Car and Vulnerable Road User Testing
  • Full robot and test platform integration
  • ISO 15623 and NHTSA Forward Collision Warning System testing
  • 2 cm position accuracy indoors and outdoors

Validate the latest AEB and FCW technology with VBOX

VBOX motion packs provide a complete solution for the testing and validation of complex AEB and FCW vehicle safety systems, with an accuracy to within 2 cm.

Fully compliant with all Euro NCAP approved driving robots and test platforms, such as those by AB Dynamics and VEHICO, a VBOX 4 ADAS outputs data that meets the requirements of NCAP assessments.

The range of free Euro NCAP AEB and FCW testing plugins included within VBOX Test Suite Software provide a live, real-time output of data, with clear pass or fail conditions to significantly reduce the amount of time spent on track. All logged data is also available for comprehensive post-processing analysis.

The VBOX 4 ADAS offers Euro NCAP-compliant logging rates (100 Hz) and a positional accuracy of less than 2 cm, when used with an RTK Base Station or NTRIP device.

VBOX equipment can be used with Anthony Best Dynamics and VEHICO driving robots, to achieve the necessary level of consistency for NCAP approval.

We offer a complete solution for testing your AEB / FCW system both indoors and outdoors, with 2 cm accuracy.

VBOX Test Suite installed on a Windows device within the test vehicle offers real-time display of all measured parameters including the speed, yaw rate, longitudinal and lateral range, as well as pass/fail feedback.

You can use a VBOX video logger to simultaneously record and display data and video footage. This gives you an exact comparison between relative vehicle position and onboard strategy data.

VBOX Test Suite is free to all VBOX users, available in ten different languages and pre-installed with a dedicated AEB plugin for Euro NCAP testing.

Robot Assisted AEB Testing with VBOX

Compatible with all major robots and test target platforms, VBOX Systems meet all the requirements necessary to reach all homologation (UNECE) and consumer (Euro NCAP, NHTSA) test standards. VBOX Motion Packs can be used to test applications such as Car-to-Car (e.g. CCRs/m/b, CCFtap, CCCscp, CCFhos/hol) and Vulnerable Road User (e.g. CPFA-50, CPNA-25/75, CPNCO-50, CPLA-25/50, CPTA) standards.

Watch to see how VBOX is used to perform the Euro NCAP Vulnerable Road User (VRU) protocol CPNCO-50 (Car-to-Pedestrian Nearside Child Obstructed 50%), with an IMU-integrated VBOX 4 ADAS system located in the Subject vehicle communicating position and speed data to the Soft Pedestrian Target (SPT).

This video shows how a VBOX 3iS can be placed within a Guided Soft Target (GST) platform to provide positional reference data to the IMU-integrated VBOX 3i ADAS system located in the Subject Vehicle. This solution can be used for all Car-to-Car tests including the Euro NCAP CCFTap protocol featured in this example.

VBOX Test Suite with dedicated AEB plugin

Our user-friendly, intuitive data analysis software makes the process of recording and analysing your test data as quick and easy as possible.

park assist icon blueA dedicated AEB plugin includes all three types of Euro NCAP testing scenarios: car-to-car rear stationary, car-to-car rear moving, and car-to-car rear braking (CCRs, CCRm, CCRb).

The NCAP protocol’s test parameters for AEB are hard-coded into the VBOX Test Suite software, and all the relevant channels are automatically created and logged during a test: subject and target vehicle speeds, relative distances between them, lateral deviation, yaw and steering wheel velocity. For each run, you can clearly see whether each test condition is within tolerance, and a pass/fail status for the test as a whole.

This level of automation results in a significant reduction in post-processing work as well as the time already saved on track. A comprehensive report can be generated at the end of the test, providing all session information and results for post-test analysis.

Testing Equipment

A typical AEB test setup consists of two VBOX 4 (100 Hz) data loggers, an RTK Base Station or NTRIP solution, and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Optional video integration can be achieved by adding a VBOX video logger.

Measured Parameters

  • Speed of target and subject vehicle (0.1 km/h RMS)
  • Longitudinal separation (0.02 m RMS)
  • Lateral separation (0.02 m RMS)
  • Time to collision (0.05 s)
  • Yaw rate for target and subject vehicle
  • Angle to target vehicle (0.1º RMS)
  • AEB/FC warning signal output

RTK for 2 cm Positional Accuracy

The VBOX 4 ADAS data logger offers Euro NCAP-compliant logging rates (100 Hz) and a positional accuracy of less than 2 cm, when using RTK correctional data from a Base Station or NTRIP solution.

Robot Integration

Meeting the Euro NCAP standards successfully requires the use of steering and pedal robots to maintain accurate conditions for speed, drive line, distance and braking as laid out in the test requirements.

VBOX equipment can be used with driving robots from NCAP approved manufacturers such as Anthony Best Dynamics, to achieve the necessary level of consistency required when conducting such tests.

Logging Warning Signals

If you cannot use the vehicles' own CAN system, VBOX audio & visual sensors can be used alongside VBOX to record when an ADAS system has become active. The sensors capture acoustic and/or optical alerts generated by the vehicle's advanced driver assistance system.

The output of the VBOX sensors can then be used by the VBOX to log the exact moment the vehicle safety message is displayed to the driver.

Video Integration

If the vehicle carries the AEB operation data on its CAN Bus, you can use a VBOX video logger to simultaneously log and display the data and video alongside that of the GPS data. This gives you an exact comparison between relative vehicle position and onboard strategy data.

Graphical overlay is totally user configurable and can be easily altered to present relevant information according to the tests being conducted.

AEB Testing Indoors

If you need to validate the accuracy of your AEB or FCW system indoors, the VBOX Indoor Positioning System (VIPS) is the reliable alternative to GPS.

Using the latest Ultra-Wideband technology, VIPS provides you with RTK levels of accuracy and an update rate of 100 Hz, making it ideal to test many Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and robot-controlled applications.

Survey Pole for Vehicle Mapping

You can ‘map’ the shape of vehicles using a survey pole, antenna, and VBOX Setup. Up to twenty-four points around the vehicle bodies can be surveyed, and the ‘shape’ of each car can be stored for later use. As the test is conducted, the distance of the closest contact points between the vehicles is calculated to +/-2 cm accuracy, automatically switching to the nearest contact points as they change with the car’s relative positions.