Adaptive Cruise Control System Testing
Validate the accuracy of your ACC system to ISO standard 15622.
Measure parameters from multiple vehicles on the open road
Log the vehicle's ACC operational data alongside GPS data
Steady state speed, approaching convoy, stop & go and cornering
Measure the time gap and separation between both vehicles with cm-level accuracy
Test your ACC system with VBOX
With real-time measurement of parameters from up to four vehicles with centimetre-level positional accuracy, the VBOX testing system allows manufacturers to easily verify the effectiveness of their Adaptive Cruise Control system. At the core of the system is RACELOGIC's flagship data logger, the VBOX 4 ADAS, connected via radio telemetry to an RTK Base Station or to another VBOX 4 ADAS acting as a moving base.

Highly Accurate
The VBOX 4 ADAS data logger provides high accuracy distance measurement, with a positional accuracy of within a cm.

Open Road Testing
When using correction messages from an NTRIP correction service instead of a fixed base station, you can test and verify active safety systems outside the test track.

Live Display
VBOX Test Suite installed on a Windows device within the test vehicle offers real-time display of all measured parameters including separation time, long/lat separation and ACC signal output.

Multiple Targets
The 'Multiple targets' feature of the ACC test equipment is capable of calculating parameters from three target vehicles and the lane at the same time.

Video Integration
When used in conjunction with a VBOX video system, the measured parameters can be graphically overlaid in real-time onto the recorded video, providing a clear visual reference to the performance of the test.

Intuitive Analysis Software
VBOX Test Suite is free to all VBOX users and is available in ten different languages.

VBOX Test Suite
Our user-friendly, intuitive data analysis software makes the process of recording and analysing your test data as quick and easy as possible.
VBOX Test Suite can be easily configured to display and log subject and target vehicle speeds, relative distances between them and the lateral deviation. For each run, you can clearly see whether each test condition is within tolerance, and a pass/fail status for the test as a whole.
This level of automation results in a significant reduction in post-processing work as well as the time already saved on track. A comprehensive report can be generated at the end of the test, providing all session information and results for post-test analysis.
Testing Equipment
A typical ACC test system consists of several VBOX 4 data loggers (100 Hz) and an RTK Base Station for positional corrections. Alternatively, you can receive RTK corrections from an NTRIP service provider with a subscription and VBOX NTRIP Modems.
Our analysis software, VBOX Test Suite, completes the package by making the testing and data analysis as easy as possible.
VBOX systems are suitable for the following ACC test scenarios:
- Steady state distance
- Approaching convoy
- Acceleration/ deceleration in convoy
- Overtaking from steady state
- Lane changing obstacle vehicle
- Overtaking after approach
- Stop and go
- Cornering
Measured Parameters
- Speed of target and subject vehicle (0.1 km/h RMS)
- Separation time (0.05 s)
- Longitudinal separation (0.02 m RMS)
- Lateral separation (0.02 m RMS)
- Yaw rate for target and subject vehicle
- Angle to target vehicle (0.1º RMS)
- ACC warning signal output

RTK for cm-level Positional Accuracy
Using RTK correctional data from an RTK Base Station or NTRIP solution provides positional accuracy that's within a centimetre, on the test track or on open roads.
You can easily validate the accuracy and effectiveness of your Adaptive Cruise Control system in real-world environments.

Video Integration
Using the optional VBOX Video logger allows you to simultaneously log and display the data and video from your ACC test, alongside that of the GPS data.
Graphical overlay is totally user configurable and can be easily altered to present relevant information according to the tests being conducted.

Logging ACC Signals
If you cannot use the vehicles' own CAN system, a VBOX audio or visual sensor can be used alongside VBOX to record when an ADAS system has become active. The VBOX sensor pack captures acoustic and optical alerts generated by the vehicle's advanced driver assistance system.
The output of the VBOX sensor pack can then be used by the VBOX to log the exact moment the vehicle safety message is displayed to the driver.

Survey Pole for Vehicle Mapping
You can ‘map’ the shape of vehicles using a survey pole, antenna, and VBOX Setup. Up to twenty-four points around the vehicle bodies can be surveyed, and the ‘shape’ of each car can be stored for later use.
As the test is conducted, the distance of the closest contact points between the vehicles is calculated to centimetre-level, automatically switching to the nearest contact points as they change with the car’s relative positions.

Free Data Analysis Software
Want to save time analysing your data?
Let VBOX Test Suite do it for you. The software can be used to monitor vehicle speed and deviation in real-time from within the test vehicle, whilst providing the driver with an immediate insight into the pass or fail rate of the runs being performed.
How does the VBOX comply with ISO 15622?
Target Acquisition Range Test
VBOX records the ACC's commands via CAN and displays them live during testing. The vehicle separation is measured with cm-level positional accuracy.
S = Subject Vehicle (Equipped with ACC)
T = Target Vehicle
Target Discrimination Test
VBOX 4 constantly measures the distance to the target vehicle, which verifies that the ACC has locked onto the correct target. A Video VBOX can be used to prove that the 2nd forward vehicle has been passed without affecting the separation range between subject and target vehicle.
S = Subject Vehicle (equipped with ACC)
T = Target Vehicle
V = Forward Vehicle
Curve Capability Test
VBOX ACC test equipment will measure the time gap and separation between both vehicles accurate to within a cm. For high accuracy sampling of the curved lane we have developed the survey trolley, a line mapping rover wheel which comes with a custom rucksack containing radios, antenna and groundplane.
S = Subject Vehicle
T = Target Vehicle