Testing Lane Departure Warning & Lane Keep Assist Systems
Measure the perpendicular distance to the lane edge from four points on the vehicle at cm-level positional accuracy.
Capture LDW signals via CAN or digital/analogue inputs
Test to UN R79, ISO 17361 & NHTSA standards
Simultaneously measure up to four points in the test vehicle
Compatible with multiple lane types (straight or curved lane edges)
Synchronised data and time-stamped HD video
Validate your Lane Keeping system with VBOX
With real-time measurement and positional accuracy to within a cm, the VBOX testing system captures the data that automotive and sensor manufacturers require verifying the effectiveness of their Lane Departure Warning or Lane Keeping Assist system. At the core of the system is our flagship data logger, the VBOX 4 ADAS, which can be connected to an RTK Base Station or NTRIP service for centimetre level position accuracy.

Highly Accurate
The VBOX 4 ADAS data logger provides high accuracy speed, position and heading data, with a centimetre-level positional accuracy.

Synchronised Video
You can use a VBOX video logger to simultaneously log and display the LDW / LKA test data alongside video and GPS data. A ruler generated graphical overlay can be aligned to real-world measurements to validate the accuracy using a visual reference.

Live Display
VBOX Test Suite installed on a Windows device within the test vehicle offers real-time display of all measured parameters including gauges that indicate whenever the audio or visual alert is on/off.

Warning signals via CAN or RACELOGIC sensors
The VBOX can capture lane departure warning signals directly from the vehicles' own CAN system or via RACELOGIC audio & visual sensors used alongside the VBOX.

Up to four points simultaneously
Lane departure mode allows you to measure the distance to line from four individual points on the vehicle.

UN R79 Compliant
Easily conduct ACSF (Automatically Commanded Steering Function), Lane Keep function and Max. Lateral Acceleration tests, as per UN R79 regulations, using a VBOX ADAS testing system.
VBOX Test Suite with dedicated UN R79 Plugin

Our user-friendly, intuitive data analysis software makes the process of recording and analysing your test data as quick and easy as possible.
Three dedicated plugins allow you to test the ACSF (Automatically Commanded Steering Function), the Lane Keep function and the Max. Lateral Acceleration test as described in the UN R79 regulations.
VBOX Test Suite is compatible with Windows-based computers and tablets, offering real-time display of all measured parameters, live from the test vehicle.
You can even set customisable pass / fail conditions for LDW / LKA tests, enabling you to instantly see if your vehicle has passed the test. Additionally, if you are using a VBOX video data logger, you can see synchronised video and data from each test, with the graphics overlaid in real-time.
Testing Equipment
A typical Lane Departure test system consists of a VBOX 4 ADAS data logger, RTK Base Station and a Survey Trolley to map the lane edges. Our intuitive analysis software, VBOX Test Suite, allows you to complete and analyse your testing in accordance with ISO, NHTSA NCAP or UN R79 regulations.
Measured Parameters (Lane Departure Mode)
- Vehicle speed (0.1 km/h RMS)
- Lateral speed to line (0.1 km/h RMS)
- Perpendicular distance to line (0.02 m)
- Vehicle angle to line
- Time to cross line
- Yaw rate (depends on antenna separation)
- LDWS signal output

RTK for Centimetre-Level Position Accuracy
Using RTK correctional from an RTK Base Station or NTRIP solution provides centimetre-level positional accuracy.
The VBOX 4 ADAS can be used to test in accordance with UN R79, ISO 17361 and NHTSA NCAP standards.
One of the main reasons why OEMs and proving grounds use VBOX equipment for validating their LDW / LKA system is because of its versatility, as you can easily test and validate the accuracy of your system in both straight and curved lanes.

Video Integration
If the vehicle carries the LDW / LKA operation data on its CAN Bus, you can use a VBOX video logger to simultaneously log and display the data and video alongside that of the GPS data. This gives you an exact comparison between relative vehicle position and onboard strategy data, and can save you hours of post-processing work.
Graphical overlay is totally user-configurable and can be easily altered to present relevant information according to the tests being conducted. For example, a ruler generated graphical overlay can be aligned to real-world measurements to ensure that the visual reference is accurate.

Logging Warning Signals
If you cannot use the vehicles' own CAN system, a VBOX audio & visual sensors can be used alongside VBOX to record when an ADAS system has become active. The VBOX sensors capture acoustic or optical alerts and signals generated by the vehicle's advanced driver assistance system.
The output of the sensors can then be used by the VBOX to log the exact moment the vehicle safety message is displayed to the driver.

Free Data Analysis Software
Our free data analysis software (VBOX Test Suite) comes with dedicated Lane Departure testing plugins. The software is easy to use and presents the relevant data for each test-type, live from the test vehicle, in real-time.
The software can also be used in 'Offline' mode, enabling you to post-process your test data after the event.

Surveying Lanes
Using a VBOX 4 ADAS data logger, a Base Station and Survey Trolley, straight or curved lane markings can be mapped out and plotted to cm-level accuracy, creating an exact resemblance of the road.