VBOX Test Suite
Brake Testing
VBOX Test Suite is our free data analysis software that is available to all VBOX users. It comes with five dedicated Brake Testing plugins, making it easy to test a vehicle's braking or brake assist systems in real-time, in accordance with regulations from around the world.

Key Features

Start & end conditions
You can easily configure the start and end conditions of each test. This could be the vehicle's speed, or for trigger-based tests, you could choose whether a brake pedal trigger or user-defined CAN channel should be used. Each plugin will ask you to enter the conditions that are relevant to that test type.

Live test results
VBOX Test Suite is compatible with any Windows-based PC, e.g. the Microsoft Surface Pro tablet, allowing you to see your results live from the test vehicle.
Having instant feedback can save valuable testing time, particularly for more complicated tests such as R139 BAS.

Test results area
Test results are presented in a user-friendly, intuiative way. You can easily filter results to include or exclude test runs, display average/max/min values and identify any runs which did not meet the required pass criteria.
Every time a new test is started, a new tab will be added to the test results area, allowing you to switch between separate tests and compare runs from each.

A comprehensive report can be generated at the end of the test, providing all session information and results for post-test analysis. You can either print the report or export it as an Excel, Word or PDF document, that can be easily shared with other engineers or teams.

Time/Distance between runs
To ensure sufficient time or distance has passed since the previous run was completed, you can enter a minimum time and/or distance that needs to elapse before the next run takes place. If a run takes place before the specified time/distance has elapsed, that run will be highlighted in red to indicate an invalid run.

VBOX Test Suite also calculates MFDD (Mean Fully Developed Deceleration). This is the maximal deceleration figure a vehicle can achieve, determined by evaluating performance when the vehicle is loaded up and braking. The brake test plugins allow you to enter the start and end values (percentage or speed) for MFDD analysis.
There is a dedicated 'trigger' plugin in VBOX Test Suite, which allows you to analyse brake stops from either a brake trigger, or a user defined CAN channel, such as brake pressure or brake position.
The plugin enables you to enter conditions such as the minimum trigger speed and end speed, as well as enter user-defined pass conditions.
It can calculate the MFDD (Mean Fully Developed Deceleration), allowing you to set the start and end values for the analysis period.
The brake test can automatically calibrate wheels speeds before producing a % wheel slip channel.
As a brake trigger may not be activated at exactly the same speed on each run, VBOX Test Suite has a feature that corrects the brake distances to the same speeds. This can either be done automatically to the nearest 10 km/h or corrected to a user defined speed.

This VBOX Test Suite plugin allows you to analyse brake stops between user-defined start and end speeds.
It can calculate the MFDD (Mean Fully Developed Deceleration), allowing you to set the start and end values for the analysis period and will automatically calibrate wheels speeds before producing a % wheel slip channel.
The test results area displays all of the results from the current test, and it is possible to include/exclude certain results. You can also see the Average/ Accuracy/ Max/ Min/ Standard Deviation values and easily identify any runs which have not met the pass criteria.
VBOX Test Suite allows you to enter a minimum time and/or distance that needs to elapse before the next run takes place, to ensure sufficient time or distance has passed since the previous run was complete. If a run takes place before the specified time/ distance has elapsed, that run will be highlighted in red to indicate an invalid run.

The ECE R78 plugin allows for easy homologation testing of motorcycles, in accordance with the ECE R78 standard.
This regulation specifies the calculation of extra parameters specific to motorcycles, which are now automatically calculated by the software:
- Start Speed
- Braking Time
- Braking distance
- Average Deceleration
- Average deceleration between the 0.5 and 1 second after the brakes have been applied
- Maximum deceleration during the brake test excluding the last 0.5s
- Avg. brake force for the Front and Rear brakes between 80% and 10% of the specified test speed
- Centreline Deviation

The J2909 plugin allows you to complete a series of brake stops that conform to the SAE J2909 specification.
Using a Brake pedal force sensor, the software will automatically start the test at the required 60 N of pressure as well as check application rates and all pass criteria as stated in the J2909 document.
Once the test has been completed, the software will compile the results, correct for temperature and surface conditions, before producing the required ‘Tanh’ Curve fit to the results and a ‘13th stop’ value.

R139 - Category 'B' BAS
Category "B" Brake Assist Systems detect an emergency braking condition based primarily on the brake pedal speed applied by the driver.
The testing involves braking dynamic manoeuvres to be conducted in a prescribed manner with and without the BAS active.
The R139 VBOX Test Suite plugin can validate each brake stop live, to ensure it meets the test parameters. The software also provides a graphical representation of the important data for quick feedback to the test driver, so they can adjust their technique if necessary.
The plugin calculates key test parameters such as amax, aABS, fABS and aBAS after 5 valid reference tests are conducted. It also produces a detailed report of all the results in several user selectable file formats.