This app works with the VBOX Precision Ranging System (VPRS). It allows the range between two beacons to be displayed and stored.
The display can be zeroed and reset at any time, allowing any offsets to be easily accounted for. The current range can be stored at the press of a button, and then all results can be displayed and saved to a text file.
How to install?
Download the correct file for your product. (Your unit must be registered to receive the required login details for the download. Registerhere.)
Place the .rvf file on to therootdirectory of the SD card (not in the media or any other folder).
Insert the SD card into the side panel of the unpowered unit.
Power up VBOX Touch/ Performance Box Touch.
Confirm the update by pressing OK. The unit will then display an update screen with a progress bar.
Once complete, the unit will restart.
Once the firmware is successfully loaded on to the unit, the file will be removed from the SD card.
This app is for displaying longitudinal acceleration/deceleration on a graph. It will track maximum and minimum values, which can be reset by the user. All data is logged to a VBO file and the user can also set their preferred units and customise the scale of the graph.
How to install?
Download the correct file for your product. (Your unit must be registered to receive the required login details for the download. Registerhere.)
Place the .rvf /.rpf file on to therootdirectory of the SD card (not in the media or any other folder).
Insert the SD card into the side panel of the unpowered unit.
Power up VBOX Touch/ Performance Box Touch.
Confirm the update by pressing OK. The unit will then display an update screen with a progress bar.
Once complete, the unit will restart.
Once the firmware is successfully loaded on to the unit, the file will be removed from the SD card.
Release notes
The latest release offers support for new VBOX Touch hardware variants.
Community Apps have not completed a full testing cycle and sign off. Users must be aware that the Apps may still contain bugs which can affect results.
If you use a Community App, please provide any performance feedback to so that we can continue to improve them for all our users.
It is your responsibility to make any shared users of the equipment aware that it is running a Community App – e.g. by fixing a temporary label to the unit.
The Brake Temperature Monitoring app provides you with a real-time display of the temperature of each brake disc while on track. This is invaluable information when looking for the optimum brake bias and tyre setup for a race.
The responsive, colour display offers a visual representation via 64 individual heat maps, as well as live and maximum temperature values.
In order to use this app, you must also purchase the Brake Temperature Monitoring Sensors & Wiring Loom (RLACS314).
How to upgrade?
Download the latest update file below (Your unit must be registered to receive the required login details for the download. Registerhere.)
Unzip the folder and place the .rvf file on to therootdirectory of the SD card (not in the media or any other folder).
Insert the SD card into the side panel of the unpowered unit.
Power up VBOX Touch.
Confirm the update by pressing OK. The unit will then display an update screen with a progress bar.
Once complete, the unit will restart.
Once the firmware is successfully loaded on to the unit, the file will be removed from the SD card.
Loaded with this app, a VBOX Touch or PerformanceBox Touch is able to give audible and visual guidance to a driver based on a pre-set speed profile. It is ideal for durability, fuel economy and tyre testing where you want to ensure consistent and repeatable test conditions with regard to speed and distance.
The app includes the same CAN input data capture and CAN output transmission as the standard Performance app v1.5.
The speed profile can be created by generating a .spp file in Notepad and loading it to the VBOX Touch via an SD card (after the Speed Profiler app has been installed).
How to upgrade?
Download the latest .rpf/.rvf file below. (Your unit must be registered to receive the required login details for the download. Registerhere.)
Place the file on therootdirectory of the SD card (not in the media or any other folder).
Insert the SD card into the side panel of the unpowered unit.
Power up VBOX Touch/ PerformanceBox Touch.
Confirm the update by pressing OK. The unit will then display an update screen with a progress bar.
Once complete, the unit will restart.
Once the firmware is successfully loaded on to the unit, the file will be removed from the SD card.
Release notes
Adds support for new VBOX Touch hardware variants.
The Multi-Function Display app allows you to use the VBOX Touch as a display when connected to a VBOX.
It will show data from GPS and CAN-derived channels that are outputted over CAN. Up to six parameters can be displayed on a single screen, such as speed, lateral & longitudinal acceleration, radius of turn, distance travelled, heading and various brake test channels. It can also calculate and present performance test results, live from the test vehicle.
You will need the cable 'RLCAB005-C' to connect VBOX Touch.
How to upgrade?
Download the latest update file below (Your unit must be registered to receive the required login details for the download. Registerhere.)
Unzip the folder and place the .rvf file on to therootdirectory of the SD card (not in the media or any other folder).
Insert the SD card into the side panel of the unpowered unit.
Power up VBOX Touch.
Confirm the update by pressing OK. The unit will then display an update screen with a progress bar.
Once complete, the unit will restart.
Once the firmware is successfully loaded on to the unit, the file will be removed from the SD card.
Release notes
[NEW] Added ability to set alerts for the Trigger channel. The feature can now be used to notify the user when a digital light barrier has been crossed.
[FIX] Peak acceleration result now populate when using VB2SX.
Measure, log and display the surface temperature of all 4 tyres in real-time on the VBOX Touch. The responsive, colour display offers a visual representation via 64 individual heat maps, as well as live and maximum temperature values.
In order to use this app, you must also purchase the RACELOGIC tyre temperature sensor kit (RLACS272).
How to upgrade?
Download the latest update file below (Your unit must be registered to receive the required login details for the download. Registerhere.)
Unzip the folder and place the .rvf file on to therootdirectory of the SD card (not in the media or any other folder).
Insert the SD card into the side panel of the unpowered unit.
Power up VBOX Touch.
Confirm the update by pressing OK. The unit will then display an update screen with a progress bar.
Once complete, the unit will restart.
Once the firmware is successfully loaded on to the unit, the file will be removed from the SD card.
VBOX Touch ist mit der Performance-App vorinstalliert. Sie können diese mit Apps aus unserem App Store kostenfrei ersetzen. Um zur Standardfunktionalität der VBOX Touch zurückkehren, laden Sie die Performance-App erneut herunter und installieren Sie diese. Um alle Apps herunterladen zu können, müssen Sie Ihre VBOX Touch registrieren.
Performance (Standard)
VBOX Touch ist mit der Performance-App vorinstalliert. Mit dieser App können Sie Beschleunigungs- und Verzögerungstests durchführen, Rundenzeiten messen ...
Diese App ist ein integraler Bestandteil der VBOX-Lösung zur Validierung der Speed Limit Information Function (SLIF) und des Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA)-Systems.
Wenn Sie zur Standardfunktionalität der VBOX Touch zurückkehren möchten, laden Sie einfach die Performance-App erneut herunterladen. Die Installation wird genauso durchgeführt wie eine Aktualisierung der Firmware.
Auf Kundenwunsch haben wir, VBOX Automotive, Apps entwickelt, die individuelle Lösungen für spezifische Testanforderungen bieten. Diese Community-Apps stellen wir allen unseren Kunden zur Verfügung und wir möchten das Angebot noch erweitern. Wenn Sie zusätzliche Funktionen zu einer bestehenden App anfordern möchten oder eine neue Community-App benötigen, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an .
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Community-Apps den Anforderungen des ursprünglichen Kunden entsprechen. Sie haben jedoch den für die Veröffentlichung als vollständige VBOX Touch App erforderlichen Testzyklus nicht abgeschlossen. Wenn Sie eine Community-App verwenden, senden Sie bitte Feedback zur Leistung an , damit wir sie für alle Benutzer weiter verbessern können.
Diese App kann verwendet werden, um anzuzeigen, wie stark ein Testfahrer beschleunigen oder verzögern soll, basierend auf dessen Geschwindigkeit.
Diese App misst den Bremsweg von einer nominierten Pedalkraft bis null. Der Pedalkraftsensor RLACS282, über ein Mini-Eingangsmodul (MIM01) mit der VBOX Touch verbunden, ist erforderlich.
Diese App verwendet zwei Trigger, um die Reaktion und die Bremszeit/-strecke des Fahrers zu messen. Sobald der Bildschirm „READY“ anzeigt, kann der Fahrer auf die gewünschte Geschwindigkeit ...
Diese App dient der Anzeige eines G-Balls für die seitliche und längs gerichtete G-Kraft und für einen kombinierten G-Wert. Peak-Quer-G, Beschleunigung und Verzögerung werden ebenfalls ...
Diese App konvertiert NMEA 2000-Daten in Standard-CAN-Daten zur Verwendung mit einem CAN-Datenlogger oder -Interpreter, einschließlich von RACELOGIC-Produkten.
Eine Sammlung von Skripten, die Ihnen beim Schreiben von Code für die VBOX Touch helfen sollen, kann hier heruntergeladen werden. Jedes Skript zeigt, wie eine oder mehrere Funktionen des Produkts verwendet werden. In der Readme-Textdatei finden Sie Details zu den einzelnen Apps und zur Ausführung der Skripte. Weitere Unterstützung beim Schreiben von Code für die VBOX Touch erhalten Sie von unserem Support Team.