VBOX CAN Database
These files contain the default CAN configurations for their respective VBOX products. For users interfacing VBOX products with 16 bit CAN equipment, we have provided equivalent 16 bit databases.

Compatible products:
All CAN IDs for VBOX 3i ADAS (Standard, IMU, Dual Antenna, ADAS)

VBOX 3i (V5 - v3 firmware)
Compatible products:
All CAN IDs for VBOX 3i-V5 incl. all ADAS parameters.
For VBOX 3i running firmware version 2.8 can be found in the legacy section below.

3 Target Vehicle Separation
(VB3iS sensors)
Product code: VB3iSR
CAN IDs required for the 3 Target ADAS mode

VBOX II SX Dual Antenna
Product code: RLVB20SL
CAN IDs for VBOX II SX Dual Antenna.

Speed Sensors (V1 - V4 only)
5/10/20/25/100 Hz variants
Product code: RLVBSSxx
CAN IDs for single antenna Speed Sensors up to version 4

100 Hz Speed Sensor (V5)
Product code: RLVBSS100-V5
CAN IDs for 100 Hz Speed Sensor from version 5

Steering Torque Sensor
Product code: RLSTSENSOR
Steering Torque Sensor CAN ID's for use with VBOX Video, VBOX 3i before firmware version 2.8, and 3rd-party loggers

Wheel Speed Sensor
Product code: RLWSSENSOR
Wheel Speed Sensor CAN ID's for use with any CAN data logger

Brake Temperature Sensors
Product code: RLACS314
CAN IDs for Brake Temperature Sensors when used with VBOX 3i or VBOX Video HD2.

Tyre Temperature Sensors
Product code: RLACS272
CAN IDs for Tyre Temperature Sensors when used with VBOX 3i or Video HD2.

Video VBOX
Product code: RLVD10P / RLVD20P / RLVB10WP / RLVBVD10LT
The Video VBOX will output a standard CAN format when set into 'Racelogic Output' Mode.

Inertial Measurement Unit
Compatible products:
IMU CAN IDs - standalone mode only

Yaw Rate Sensor
Product code:
YAW CAN IDs - standalone mode only

Mini Input Module
Product code: RLVBMIM01
MIM01 CAN IDs - standalone mode only

Mini Input Module - Video VBOX
Product code: RLVBMIM01VID
MIM01 CAN IDs for use with Video VBOX. Includes MIM01 setup file.

Micro Input Module
Product code: RLVBMICIN01
MICIN01 CAN IDs - VBOX compatibility

Frequency & Pulse Counter Input Module
Product code: RLVBFIM03
FIM03 CAN IDs - standalone mode only

Thermocouple Interface
Product code: RLVBTC8
CAN IDs for 8 Channel Thermocouple Interface - standalone mode only

Analogue Input Module
Product code: RLVBADC03
CAN IDs for ADC03 analogue input module - standalone mode only

Multi-function Display Touch
Product code: RLVBMFDT
MFD Touch IDs of the result output for accel, decel and trigger tests.